As you may well know the club has managed to obtain more pool space and time on a Monday this gives all the groups slightly more time and should help the club spread swimmers out more evenly. The space also allows us to extend our masters group, who up until now have been squashed into one lane on a Wednesday. The session times will change from Monday 8th April, please note there is no training over the bank holiday.
Monday – Wigan Life Centre – College Avenue, Wigan, WN1 1NJ
1st Group (Development) – 6.00pm-7.00pm
2nd Group (Junior Performance) – 7.00pm-8.00pm
3rd Group (Senior Performance)– 8.00pm-9.00pm
As the club will be getting in straight after Learn to Swim finishes, there will be a slight delay while the pool is set up for the club; lane ropes, lowering the floor the 2 meters, blocks, flags, etc. Please bare with the club and centre staff while we find the most efficient way, we may push the time forward slightly to allow for this.