We will once again be holding, our very successful, Wigan Starter Meet on Saturday 6th & Sunday 7th May 2017 at the Wigan Life Centre. Our aim for this meet is to enable as many club swimmers as possible to swim as many events as they want, swim an event they don’t normally swim and come together as team. The meet always has an awesome atmosphere and from the response so far it looks like it going to be very popular again. There will be no training on the day so we would like to see as many club swimmers taking part as possible, the full conditions can be found below.
If club members could return your entry forms and Money to Michelle as soon as possible, but by Monday 13th March, the meet is first come first served so please get your entries in sooner rather than later.
Once again we will need lots of help from parents and hopefully some sponsorship from some local companies please get in touch here.