Morning Everyone
Just a quick message regarding tomorrow’s Time Trials and Level X meeting.
The pool have granted us permission to allow spectators, which is amazing as some of our parents/guardians haven’t seen their children swim in this type of format before.
We currently have 65 entries which I expect will increase prior to the deadline this evening (if you haven’t entered and wish to, please try and get your entries in as soon as possible!!). The pool have had a look at the seating and agreed for 80 spectators which will allow for social distancing when seated. In view of this if you do wish to watch tomorrow can I ask that we keep to one spectator per child, we would hate to have to turn some parents/guardians away.
Can I ask that you observe all the government and pool guidance in relation to social distancing, wearing of masks and when seated please leave sufficient room around you.
We can’t wait to get started tomorrow and see how fantastic all of our swimmers have come on since our return to swimming.
Good luck everyone and bring your racing arms and legs ready for tomorrow!!!