Blackpool have now released all the information for this weekends Blackpool Lights gala which will take place at the Palatine Leisure Centre.
Below I have attached information for spectators as well as the warm up times for the weekend. PLEASE be sure to read all of the information which should answer any questions that you may have.
A couple of points that I would like to highlight from the information contained in the attachments.
Firstly in the spectators attachment you will find details on how to withdraw your swimmer from races if for any reason they can not swim. Please make sure that this is completed by following the instructions provided and if you do withdraw your swimmer from any races please also drop me a quick email at so that we are not waiting on a swimmer who is not coming and that we are not worrying that your swimmer may miss their race.
Also due to the number of swimmers at the gala, Blackpool allocate either a poolside space or sports hall space for all clubs to be based.
This year we have been allocated a POOLSIDE SPACE!
Therefore please make sure that your swimmer has adequate footwear with them (sliders, flip flops, crocs, trainers etc) as they will need to walk to and from the sports hall to be marshalled for their races.
Also please make sure they have a hoodie or something to keep them warm whilst in marshalling as it will be a lot cooler in the sports hall compared to poolside.
Please take note of each warmup time and make sure swimmers are on poolside at least 15 minutes before the start of their warmup so they are ready and prepared for when its time to warmup.
As a reminder we suggest that swimmers bring a couple of towels with them, plenty food and lots of drinks to keep hydrated, footwear for when they are moving around the building, club t shirt and club swim hat (if worn).
As always if you have any questions please email