Please see the date below for your attention. You will have been contacted if your child is swimming in the league galas. If unsure, please contact us.


Sat 10th JuneOpen league gala

Location: Castle Leisure Centre, Bury, BL9 0EZ.

Please arrive for 3:30pm for a 3:45pm start.


Sun 11th June

Training changes: 12-1pm Dev & Prog as usual, 1-2pm seniors (1 hour earlier than usual), JD & JP no training

Microleague: Home gala at Wigan, please arrive for 1:45pm for a 2pm start.


Mon 12th JuneNew groups start


Fri 16th JuneIntermediate league gala

Location: Stretford Sports Village, Stretford, M32 0ZS

Please arrive at 7:30pm for a 7:45pm start.


Sun 18th JuneTraining time change

11am-12pm Dev, Prog, JD

12-1pm JP, SD, SP