The club is managed by volunteers who form a committee to govern the swimming club.
There are many ways in which parents of swimmers can become involved with Wigan Swimming Club, the best way is to volunteer to help at galas, and from there parents will be allocated future jobs within the club.
Other ways to involve parents in the running of Wigan Swimming Club would be to advertise within the club newsletter for volunteers for various events run by the club throughout the year. Whilst volunteers are involved within the club, it is to the clubs advantage to encourage them to raise the clubs profile by putting themselves forward onto the committee and encouraging others to do the same.
Current Members
We actively seek to involve as many people as possible.
Chairman – Graeme Wilson
Secretary – Vicky Craig
Treasurer – Paul Bristow
Membership Secretary – Karrie Connolly
D.B.S. Coordinator – Alex Collins
Safeguarding – Alex Collins
Gala Secretary – Lee Cutter
Head Coach – Andy O’Donoghue
Assistant Head Coach – Michelle Nickson
Website – Danny Morrison
Club Kit – Helen Zoldan
Fundraising Coordinator – Position Open
Parent Liaison – Barry Mussell
Welfare Officer (Non Committee) – Michelle Mather