Firstly we hope you had a fantastic Christmas and New Year.

The first weekend of the year was full on and here is a write up of the goings-on!

A full weekend of racing at Darwen saw a small but strong group of swimmers try and grab some final County times. There was some fantastic swims with great effort and determination and lots of encouragement for each other. At the end of the weekend we finished with alot of PB’s, County times, Regional times and medals as well!

On Sunday we also saw the Wigan Distance and Development Galas take place.

In the morning some of our swimmer’s who already have County times and older swimmers took part in the Distance Gala. This gave them the chance to swim new races, improve times, and try to hit County and Regional times in longer distance races.

The swimmers all preformed amazingly well with alot of short turn arounds in between races. There was no medals on offer at this gala but by the end of the session we once again saw alot of new PB’s, County and Regional times.

In the afternoon it was the turn of our new, young, and less race experienced swimmers.

This gala was for many of the swimmers their first experience of a gala racing environment and they did not disappoint.

Once again all the swimmers took the skills they have been learning at training into the gala and we saw many PB’s, lots of effort and determination and plenty of cheering for team mates as well. As a club we also saw 20 medals go to our swimmers.

A massive well done to the swimmers named below who won medals both at Darwen and Wigan this weekend:

  • Grace Walls
  • Poppy Stanley
  • Isla Knox
  • Rosalie Harrison
  • Sebastian Weston
  • Daisy Mather
  • Isabella Owen
  • Thomas Wilson
  • Harry Cunliffe
  • Lexie Gordon
  • Sophia Percy
  • James Patmore
  • Alivia Cutter
  • Martha Baxter
  • Martha Holt

We would also like to say a massive thank you to all the volunteers from the club who were part of the officiating and time keeping team as well as everyone else who helped run the day smoothly.

As well as this a big thank you goes to our Coaches and team managers who looked after the swimmers on multiple poolsides this weekend.

Without these volunteers we wouldn’t be able to offer these chances to our swimmers.

This weekend we as a club was stretched to the very limit with our helpers and volunteers and we really do need as many as possible!!!

If you fancy helping out on poolside in any role whether that be officiating, time keeping or even team manager please let Tanya know or email