Hi, please see below for Teams

Sorry for the confusion but hopefully they are all correct and in the right entry requirements now.

We will be involved in 3 leagues: Open league, Intermediate league & Microleague.

Here are the Open league & Intermediate with gala dates and locations.

Open League 

Away Gala 1: Thursday 15th Feb  @ Orca 7.30pm

Away Gala 2: Wednesday 13th March  @ Swinton 7.30pm

Away Gala 3: Tuesday 17th September  @ Howe Bridge 7.45pm

Home Gala 4: Sunday 6th October  @ Wigan 1.00pm

Intermediate League 

Away Gala 1: Saturday 9th March  @ Stretford  6.30pm

Away Gala 2: Thursday 19th September @ Atherton & Leigh  8.00pm

Home Gala 3: Sunday 13th October  @ Wigan 1.00pm

Micro League 

Home Gala 1: Sun 25th Feb @Wigan 12.30 pm

Away Gala 2: Sun 12th May @palatine Blackpool 15.45 pm 

Away Gala 3: Sat 22nd June @Liverpool aquatics 13.30 pm

Away Gala 4: Sat 29th June @West view Preston 13.30 pm

Thank you Andy

Also any help would be much appreciated for our home galas – scorers, commentator, entrance, raffle, poolside helpers (if DBS checked

Micro Open Inter
Erin R Oliver J Grace W Kobi J Grace W Luke A
Lydia D Kobi J Rose N Frankie JS Jessica A James P
Leona M Frankie JS Erin M Rowan T Dasiy M Myles B
Holli Vall Rowan T Lexie G John W Isla L John W
Grace W John W Izzy O Luke A Ava W Aaron S
Rose N Myles B Betsy L Myles B Layla D Harry C
Lippy P James P Poppy S James P Betsy L James RC
Lexi G Thomas W Isla L Thomas W Camilla H Arthur H
Daisey M Leo A Isla K Leo A Grace W Robbie M
Rosealie H Luke A Georgie I Cain A Isobel A Max C
Isla K Corey S Jorja H Noah G Libby G Leo B
Ava W Maisy L Lok K Maisy L KC
Izzy O Olivia K James RC Jorja H Luke T
Lilly Mc Sophie W Arthur H Sophie W Ethan S
Sophia P Isla H Arthur B Poppy M Noah G
Faith F Alice H Luke T Evie C Lok
Matilda B Anya J Dexter W
Hannah L Dan H
Evie C Matthew H
Isobel L Emmerson A
Izzy L Adam W
Eva K Scott W
Lelia M